Viernes, 12 de Noviembre del 2004

Denuncia formal a Telecom

ArnetSucksYa hay una denuncia formal presentada a la Subsecretaría de Defensa al Consumidor del Ministerio de Economía y Producción de la Nación, presentada por PROCONSUMER para pedir que se investigue la publicidad engañosa de Telecom y los nuevos limites impuestos a la transferencia mensual (AKA aumento encubierto).

Esperemos que sirva para algo y que hayan más iniciativas de este tipo...

Autor: luca | Categoria: Internet | 4:00 AM | Comentarios (3) | Permalink


I've found it surprising just how diuflcfit code reuse really is. Even when it's code that I've written myself, and designed to be reused, it's rarely simple. Every new project comes with special cases and reveals assumptions that I didn't realize I was making. The more generalized a library becomes, the more complex it becomes internally.When it comes to using other people's libraries, first you have to actually find those libraries. Then you have to hope there is some usable documentation. You will often find that their way of thinking about the problem is different from yours, and that your project has a couple little quirks that makes their library an awkward fit.I still love trying to reuse things whenever I can. I always hoped I'd get to the point where I had most things ready to go, and I could just sprinkle in a little from this library and a little from that, like making a soup.Reuse works out best when you have a specific, well-defined task, and the library author has taken the time to build it right and document it well. See as a perfect example of this (it's an SMTP mailer for PHP.)

Comentó Dolly el Viernes 17 de Mayo del 2013

3Mtmm4 fbzhkkjbbrlg

Comentó weevmqum el Domingo 19 de Mayo del 2013

i1DEWz enhaosxdzyfk

Comentó cvsqge el Martes 21 de Mayo del 2013

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